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Our clients & projects...

A significant proportion of the activity is conducted on behalf of development agencies (European Development Fund, World Bank and other development banks, as well as bilateral agencies such as DfID, USAID, and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and UN Agencies such as FAO, UNIDO and UNDP.

Megapesca has provided services also to the European Commission (DG MARE) in relation to the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU (both external and structural policy elements (for example in relation to allocation models for EU structural funds, evaluation of Fisheries Partnership Agreements and policy support for the Outermost Regions).

Megapesca logo
Seychelles, 2023 - SWIOFISH3
Seychelles ariel view

Megapesca undertook an independent functional review of the Competent Authority, the Fish Inspection and Quality Control Unit (FIQCU) of the Seychelles Bureau of Standards, responsible for annual certification of €250 million export fishery products. Reviewed staffing levels, technical and financial performance, equipment, budgets and logistical means, and identified gaps in official controls. Reviewed laboratory provision to meet needs of the CA. Assessed industry developments (fleet trends and planned port & infrastructure investment) and identified short and medium term volume of control activities and proposed state budgets according to needs for improved functionality of the CA (also accounting for cost recovery from the sector). Assessed policy options for institutional location (including transfer of mandate to the Ministry responsible for fisheries) and identified legal, human resource, technical and budgetary implications. Presented findings to senior policy makers (Minister & Permanent Secretary) and facilitated decision making.

SADC Secretariat, 2023

EDF SADC Trade Facilitation Programme Capacity building of small-scale farmers and private sector on compliance with Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures focusing on animal health. Designed farmer training and train the trainer courses on animal health management for small scale operators engaged in regional trade. Identified trainers from regional farmer organisations, prepared materials and delivered training in a 3-day regional workshop in South Africa. Subsequently South Africa gained access to the EU market for its gastropod molluscs in January 2024.

Sadc group photo
South Africa, 2023
South Africa fish farm

On behalf of an aquaculture association, reviewed the draft aquaculture bill proposed by the Government of South Africa, with a view to identifying issues of concern to the Abalone Farmers Association of South Africa in relation to compliance with sanitary measures (food safety and animal health) for products entering international trade. Recommendations for comments to the bill were submitted to the industry association for formal presentation to the Government consultation process.

Seychelles, 2023

Development of an onshore fish processing strategy under the EU funded project: Long Term Technical Assistance to Support the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Implementation in Seychelles. Review under-utilised resources, assess capacities of industry and national technical support services. Advise Seychelles Fishing Authority on development programme for commercial opportunities for value added products. Train staff and sector stakeholders in fish technology and product development.

Laboratory fish analysis’s is Seychelles
Private client, Croatia, 2023
Presenter at work

Remote assessment of evidence concerning a consignment of bluefin tuna consigned from Croatia and rejected by receivers in Japan. Assessed surveyors reports and evaluated impacts of circumstances of shipping on quality of the cargo, and prepared report and recommendations on likely causes of damage and quantum. 

Private client, Korea, 2021

Reviewed evidence concerning a consignment of frozen squid consigned from the Falklands Islands waters and rejected by receivers in Korea. Assessed surveyors reports and evaluated impacts of circumstances of shipping on quality of the cargo, and prepared report and recommendations on likely causes of damage and quantum. 

Squid boat
SADC Region, 2022
Biorder post sign

Formulation of a UNIDO Component of US$1.2 million of AfDB funded SADC Regional ProFishBlue Project addressing “Implementation of the One Stop Border Post Concept”. Reviewed regional fish trade, assessed capacities of Competent Authorities for sanitary controls in regional trade. In collaboration with SADC Secretariat, Technical Regulation Liaison Committee and Regional Laboratory Association, designed intervention logic, activities, and monitoring indicators. Drafted Project Document and presented recommendations to Project Steering Committee and Regional Heads of Fisheries Departments.

FAO Rome, 2022

Enhancing the sustainable utilization of fisheries and aquaculture products and its contribution to livelihoods and food security; developed a set of guidelines for post-harvest fisheries infrastructure investment. The Guidelines established a comprehensive technical resource for fishery business operators interested in investing in any fish processing technology and associated infrastructure, addressing factors which determine to type and level of investment, choice of appropriate technology. The Guidelines also addressed the need for legal and institutional infrastructure required for effective and efficient fishery sector investment.

Fish processing
Sierra Leone, 2021-2023
Sierra Leone fishing community

Working with FAO country office, reviewed primary and secondary laws and technical capacities for inspection and laboratory testing with a view to implementation of sanitary controls to allow the export of fishery products from Sierra Leone to the EU. Assessed technical and human resource capacities. Proposals were developed for amendment of legislation and for training of staff from the Competent Authority (the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources).  Arrangements for EU compliant testing were made with regional accredited laboratories.   Recommended a strategic road map and action plan for short-term implementation leading to ensure compliance with EU sanitary regulations. Designed costed intervention strategy, validated road map in national stakeholder workshop.

South Africa and Namibia, 2022

Technical assistance for sanitary controls for export to EU of farmed molluscs; reviewed current systems for official control of food safety and animal health in the bivalve mollusc and abalone sector of the South Africa and Namibia. Compliance with EU legislation was reviewed, including the requirements for veterinary medicine controls and residue monitoring, control of microbiological conditions of harvest areas, monitoring of phytoplankton and marine biotoxins and aquatic animal health rules.  Laboratory testing requirements were specified. The project developed a road map for competent authorities to prepare new regulations, strengthen laboratory testing and control capacities. Certification procedures for different products (live, aquaculture production and filter feeding bivalves) were recommended for the different Competent Authorities engaged.

Fish farm
Somalia, 2021
Net fishing on a lagoon

Working with FAO, reviewed mandates, current status and capacities for implementation of sanitary controls to allow the export of fishery products from Somalia to the EU. The consultant considered the different options for the institutional framework for national and state Competent Authorities. Reviewed primary and secondary laws and technical capacities for inspection and laboratory testing. Identified fishery sector activities, conditions and interest in EU exports.  Liaised with operators and Government and recommended a strategic road map of intervention projects and associated actions for implementation by donors and Government to ensure compliance with EU sanitary regulations

Guyana, Suriname & Bahamas, 2020-2022

EDF funded project, working with Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture, a team of Megapesca consultants supported three fishery and aquaculture sector SMEs to improve sanitary compliance and market access. Designed and implemented objective selection criteria and procedure for the identification of beneficiary operators; identified needs in selected operators, and delivered technical assistance and training in HACCP, QC and sanitary operating procedures to aquaculture, processing, small scale businesses in Suriname, Bahamas and Guyana. Directed and produced two video documentaries illustrating the value of CRFM Guidelines in training and quality improvement in fishery and aquaculture business operators seeking to enter export markets.

Fishermen arriving with the catch in Guyana
Liberia, 2020
Group of participants by tghe sea front

Long-Term Technical Support to the Liberia National Fisheries & Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) Liberia. Reviewed mandates, current status and capacities for implementation of sanitary controls with a view to development of exports of fishery products to the EU. Reviewed primary and secondary laws, organisation structure, and technical capacities for inspection and laboratory testing. Identified fishery sector activities, conditions and interest in EU exports. Liaison with operators and EU Commission and recommended a road map of actions for implementation by the Government with a view to eventual listing of Liberia for exports to the EU.

Vietnam, 2020-2022

Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP) - funded by Government of Switzerland. Based at the home office, advised the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Vietnam on policies and regulations related to food safety, plant health, technical and other legal requirements for the export of mango. Reviewed regulation, institutional and implementation of pesticide controls. Assessed validity of residue monitoring programme. Reviewed regulatory requirements for fruit imported into different export markets (US, EU, Japan, Korea etc) and interception data and quantified compliance conditions for Vietnamese mangoes. Developed integrated multi-stakeholder approach to improve regulatory management of pesticides at national and provincial level and support implementation

Box of Cat Chu

by stakeholders (producers, packers, traders and pesticide input suppliers). Developed SOPs for traceability and advised on development of a traceability standard for horticulture produce. Supported International and National Experts undertaking development of sampling and upgrading of laboratory capacity for  strengthened pesticide residue monitoring.

Kenya, 2020-2021
Group of participants in Kenya 2020 2021

EDF funded Market Access Upgrade Programme (EAC MARKUP): Kenya. Review of national policy, legal and institutional framework for food safety and phytosanitary controls, with a view to strengthening export of horticultural products (peas, beans and mangoes). Investigated regional context for food safety controls (EAC, AU and Codex Committee Africa). Presentation of webinars and meetings with stakeholders to facilitate high level policy for reform. Advised Inter-Ministerial Task Force and advocated reform of food safety legislation and institutional structure with a view to establishing a food safety authority. Prepared ToR and supervised STTA inputs to develop new plant health policy and legislation. Prepared inspection manual for foods of plant origin and designed training approach for inspectors from different agencies.

Zanzibar, 2020

Technical Assistance for the Design of Anchovy Processing Unit;  Megapesca provided a public sector fishing and fish processing company on process technology and food safety aspects of an investment to produce dried anchovy, to ensure compliance with international standards applied by export markets. Advised on hygienic layout and factory design, process design and equipment to meet national, EAC and Codex codes of practice.  Worked with site engineers on detailed design aspects. Advised on food safety hazards and controls to be applied during production. Specified equipment required, identified suppliers and advised the Company on development of tender documents for procurement.

Arriving fish catch in Zanzibar
Sri Lanka, 2019
Report cover page

Socio-Economic Costs and Benefits of Food Safety Reform in Sri Lanka under EU – Sri Lanka Trade Related Assistance; Assessed economic benefits of improved terms of trade and extended market access using model based approach. Assessed the effects of improved compliance with international standards. Economic value generated by the reduced loss of working days was also addressed. The findings of the study were used to underpin the rationale for a comprehensive reform of the national sanitary and phytosanitary control system

Sri Lanka, 2019

Financed by AFD (France), advised re-design four fishing ports, as well as inspection, testing and certification systems for exports and domestic markets. Reviewed handling on board, discharge procedures and sales systems. Interviewed fishers, traders, processors and exporters. Identified bottlenecks and dysfunctions in the systems of handling, discharge and sale of fish. Assessed demand and supply of ice, and ice quality and safety conditions. Recommended investments in improved design and layout of fishing posits, installation of chill storage and treated water supplies. Advised the Competent Authority on strengthening controls on export quality and safety to meet international requirements.

Fish market in Siri Lanka
Brussels/EU, 2019
Report cover

On behalf of EuroGroup for Animals (animal welfare NGO) prepared a review of Fish Welfare in Wild Capture Fisheries. This included a comprehensive review of current scientific knowledge of nociception in the true fishes, identification of the different welfare hazards which could impact on fish during commercial fishing (such as physical injury, asphyxiation, barotrauma, depredation). The study also identified and described different fishing gears and handling practices and discussed the nature of welfare hazards associated with each. This included indirect impacts of escape, live discards, live holding onboard, and ghost fishing. The implications of fish welfare for product quality and safety were also reviewed. The study estimated the dimensions of the global fisheries in which fish welfare could be compromised. Options for possible mitigation measures were identified and limitations of each described, including possible regulatory approaches and voluntary certification of high welfare fisheries, and set these issues in the context of international trade.

Sierra Leone 2019

World Bank financed evaluation and dissemination of improved fish smoking technologies for small scale fisheries in West Africa. Reviewed current fish smoking kiln designs and identified pilot community (Tombo in Sierra Leone). In collaboration with Ministry of Fisheries and village stakeholder groups, established kiln survey, and socioeconomic survey of the village. Designed a fish smoking monitoring system (for different kiln types – Ahotor, traditional, Altona and chorkor - measuring yields, wood type, smoke temperature, water activity PAH etc) and pilot tested data collection in the field. Recruited a specialised constructor from Ghana and built an improved fish smoking kiln (Ahotor) in Tombo. Trained seven local constructors/fabricators in the design and construction methods. Developed construction manual.

Fish smokers in Sierra Leone
Seychelles 2018

Ex-post evaluation of the EU-Seychelles FPA and ex ante of a future agreement; led a team assessing the impacts of the Agreement (>€30m 2014-2020); Undertook consultation with Seychelles, EU and fishery sector stakeholders; assessed compliance with regional fisheries management measures; prepared financial, economic and socio-economic analysis, application of EU evaluation framework; assessed coherence with EU fisheries, sanitary, trade and development policies; prepared reports and presented to DG MARE in Brussels.

Myanmar, 2018

DANIDA Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Project: Consultancy in food safety, hygiene, and quality; application of ice, preservation, and cooling technology. Worked with a team of national and international consultants, supporting the Department of Fisheries in design and implementation of a pilot programme of capacity building (training of trainers, delivery of training) for regional fisheries official and 13 fishing communities in improving quality and sanitary conditions for handling and processing of fishery products for national, regional and international markets. Designed and implemented a rapid assessment method for identifying development needs in small scale post-harvest fishery sector, including development of infrastructure, technology transfer (drying and smoking), capacity building

Fish market
Ukraine, 2018
Fish market in Ukrain

With FAO, assessed the status of official controls for sanitary conditions of fishery and aquaculture products in the Ukraine. Developed a manual for fish inspection, setting out international requirements, hazards, control options and inspection procedures for veterinary inspectors from the State Service for Food safety. Designed and delivered training course in Kyiv, including practical inspection of fishery product establishments.

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